people writing together on a glass wall

A beautiful concept that you can’t build and launch on time is essentially useless. And a safe design can be a missed opportunity.

Think Company’s technologists use discovery research to understand your problem, process, and organization so you can make solid decisions about designing features. We’ll ask your internal experts things like: “How long will it take?” “How much will it cost?” and “What happened the last time we tried to do this?”

We’ll figure out what’s best now, what’s next, and what comes after that.

Let's talk

How We Work

  • In-depth interviews with your technologists
  • Investigating the capabilities of your existing tech stack
  • Evaluating potential tools that might be right for your needs
  • “Bake-offs” and proofs of concept
  • Synthesizing what we’ve learned to make tool and platform recommendations

Getting Everyone on the Same Page

At Think Company, we specialize in bridging communication gaps between teams. This starts with research—understanding your technical ecosystem at a deep level, learning about your teams and how they interact, and setting you up for a delightful end result.

Understanding Platforms and Process

By charting the parameters of your platforms, your processes, and the skill mix at your organization, we’ll be able to understand and communicate to you what pieces of a design are straightforward—and what will require careful attention and allocation of resources.

High-Impact Adjustments

We’ll use the findings from our technical discovery research to highlight the changes that will make the most impact. You’ll know which features will be easiest to implement on your platform, what approach is the least risky, and how to staff a project based on your team’s unique mix of experience.

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