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Case Studies

Emotional Intelligence Tracking & Training App (iOS & Android) for Global HR Consultancy

The Opportunities

  • Customers noticed a lack of professional interpersonal skills in their workforce (particularly new entrants) that was hindering their ability to perform optimally
  • Company expressed a desire to further diversify its application suite and convert static intellectual property into a dynamic, interactive experience
hang glider hot air balloon and plane illustration

The Solution

We created an immersive, fun, and engaging emotional intelligence application that global organizations can provide to employees that tracks, assesses and cultivates critical emotional intelligence and soft skills—driving real change in personal and professional lives.

Our Approach

  • Engaged at the ideation phase to rethink how emotional intelligence has been tracked and worked-on over the past 50 years
  • Delivered on the challenge to create an “epic game” that would unfold over time, using a component-based design system and the concept of “micro-interactions” inspired by personal fitness trackers
  • Combined personal activities with social feedback, bite-sized contextual learning, example vignettes, and insights based on aggregate data collected
  • Designed and built the parallax-based marketing site for the application
  • Winner of an “Outstanding Achievement” award from Interactive Media Awards

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