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Case Studies

Alumni Research and Engagement Strategy for a Private University

The Opportunities

  • Prestigious, private university sought to reverse a noticeable multi-year decline in donations
  • Feedback suggested donors were feeling distanced from the university, weren’t in agreement with recent policy changes, and were frustrated that donations couldn’t be directed to specific departments/initiatives
  • The university admitted that they didn’t have a strong sense of alumni wants, needs, and goals, particularly in relation to donation triggers
persona radar map

The Solution

We provided insights and recommendations necessary to increase endowment contributions and created a clear, objective picture of donors and how they wish to be treated.

Our Approach

  • Performed quantitative and qualitative research to develop an objective understanding of the communication and connection preferences of alumni
  • Personas and targeted strategies for engaging with each were constructed by uncovering preferences regarding interactions with and messaging from the university, successful interaction channels and tactics in their general lives, strategies that are most likely to be effective in driving financial support, perception of the university as an enduring presence in their lives, and emotional connection points

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